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Devin Burr, DO

Dermatology located in Orem, UT


Devin Burr, DO, is a skilled provider specializing in dermatology in Orem, Utah. He helps patients of all ages at the Dermatology Center, located in Orem and serving the nearby communities of Provo, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Draper, Highland, Lehi, Lindon, Payson, Pleasant Grove, Saratoga Springs, Spanish Fork, and Vineyard. Dr. Burr makes the extra effort to explain the details of his care to patients. His goal is to make sure that every patient leaves happy.

Originally from Salina, Utah, Dr. Burr attended Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah, where he completed his bachelor’s degree in biology. Following his undergraduate studies, he attended medical school at Western University of Health Sciences, located in Lebanon, Oregon. He then went on to complete his internship at Capital Region Medical Center, located in Jefferson City, Missouri, followed by a residency through the Aspen Dermatology Residency Program.

At the Dermatology Center, Dr. Burr can treat all types of skin problems, including those “under the skin” issues. He uses modern technology and techniques, including the Fraxel® laser for skin resurfacing and tightening.

Insurances Accepted

Please note: If you do not see your insurance provider listed, please call our office to confirm acceptance.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
EMI Health
Select Health
United Healthcare